Reading time:
2 minute

Eye corrosion/burn/scalding

Chemical burns, and scalds should be examined immediately by an ophthalmologist

Dr. Valery Vinzent Wittwer

(Eye irritation caused by shampoo, soap, cosmetics or the like usually subsides on its own after a few hours and requires no further action other than a short rinse with water)

First aid

Immediate and extensive rinsing of the eye with lukewarm tap water, keeping the eyelids open yourself or by another person.

> Call an ophthalmologist immediately or go directly to an eye clinic

If possible, come accompanied by an adult and take the cleaner/chemicals or a photo of the label with you.

Treatment by an ophthalmologist

Anesthetic eye drops are used to simplify further irrigation, the pH value at the surface of the eye is measured and the extent of the damage is assessed.
Eye ointment containing antibiotics, eye drops that dilate the pupils and cortisone are used to reduce irritation. Close ophthalmological check-ups are necessary depending on the extent of the damage.

Follow-up checks are carried out depending on the extent of the damage.

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Contusion on the eye

Contusions on the eye with impaired vision should be avoided; those without symptoms should be examined in the following days

Emergencies overview

This overview is intended to provide clarity on how you should react to new eye complaints