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Preventive care for adults

Through preventive examinations, eye diseases can be identified at an early stage and treated effectively. The intervals at which meaningful preventive examinations are carried out depend on various factors

Dr. Valery Vinzent Wittwer

How important are eye screenings?

The eye is our most important sensory organ and receives up to 80% of all impressions from our environment. Patients who only go to an ophthalmologist when their vision is already significantly reduced have often already suffered damage that cannot be reversed.
For many eye diseases, early treatment has better chances of success, so preventive eye checks are not only useful but very important for the health of your eyes.

From what age are routine checks recommended?

For people who have no family history of eye diseases, are healthy and do not need vision aids, a first routine check is recommended at around 40 years of age.
From this age on, for example, the risk of Glaucoma to fall ill at 1.5-2.0%. If there is a suspicion of so-called glaucoma, regular checks are necessary.
People with a family burden (first degree of relationship, i.e. sick siblings and parents) should be examined by an ophthalmologist every year. Early therapy can prevent the development of glaucoma damage.

Who should take an eye test before forty?

People with short-sightedness of over 3 dpt. (eyeglass correction -3 dpt) have, compared to people with normal vision, a significantly increased risk of vitreous lift, or to suffer retinal detachment. As a result, short-sighted people from the age of 20 should be examined annually by an ophthalmologist.
If retinal lesions are detected early, they can be treated preventively using an argon laser, which can prevent impending retinal detachment.

People with diabetes mellitus (blood sugar disorder) should have their eyes examined every six months to annually, depending on how their blood sugar is controlled. So-called diabetic retinopathy is very common and can lead to irreversible retinal damage and blindness if left untreated.

From the age of 60, the risk of age-related macular degeneration increases. The course of this disease can be positively influenced thanks to dietary supplements. AMD often causes a so-called macular edema, a deposit of water in the retina. In this case, vision is acutely endangered and timely treatment is important to preserve vision.

What are the requirements of road legislation for eyesight?

Anyone who wants to participate in road traffic in Switzerland is subject to Swiss road traffic law SVG. As a result, an eye test is necessary to obtain a driver's license. This includes checking visual acuity with or without glasses, examining the visual field, testing eye mobility and excluding double vision. From the age of 75, biennial medical check-ups are required by law.

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