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Cataract surgery preliminary examination

Cataract surgery is a predictable procedure that only takes place once in a lifetime - precision and care pay off

Dr. Valery Vinzent Wittwer

Objective of the preliminary investigation

  • The eyes are examined in detail so that risks can be assessed individually and, if necessary, to take preventive measures (surgical procedure)
  • The findings help make the prognosis for vision after surgery
  • Patients and relatives are informed in detail about the surgical process, risks, and behavior before and after surgery
  • Based on the examination results and the patient interview, we can make recommendations regarding the surgical procedure and the lenses that should be implanted


You will be informed in detail about the planned cataract operation and possible risks of complications and will be given the opportunity to ask all your questions. However, it is useful to find out about the operation, the different procedures and IOLs (intraocular lenses) in advance.
From a legal, medical and ethical point of view, it is our duty to inform you to the best of our knowledge and belief about the options of modern cataract surgery, even if this involves services that are not covered by health insurance.

Catarcade pre-examination procedure

In order to achieve the objectives of the preliminary tests listed above, several examinations and measurements of the eyes are necessary

  • Various measurements are carried out by an optician or optometrist
  • Your eyes are widened with special eye drops
  • The ophthalmologist or surgeon examines your eyes, including retinal periphery, and analyses the measurements carried out
  • The ophthalmologist will discuss the operation with you and advise you on possible surgical procedures and types of IOLs

FAQs — common questions

What do I have to consider before the preliminary examination for cataract surgery?

Since the pupil is dilated with eye drops, you should refrain from driving for four hours afterwards. Patients who do not speak German, French, Italian, Spanish or English should be accompanied by someone who can translate. It makes sense to find out about the various surgical techniques and types of lenses in advance.

How long does the preliminary examination for cataract surgery take?

You should expect a stay of around 2 hours

Which measurements and tests are necessary for the preliminary examination of the catract?
  • Subjective refraction
    The best possible level of vision is determined objectively and subjectively in order to determine how large the influence of lens opacity is and to what extent the patient can benefit from cataract surgery.
  • Diaphragm examination (corneal topography, pachymetry, optical opacity measurement)
    Measurement of the corneal surface (topography) and thickness (pachymetry) as well as objective turbidity measurement provide information on whether there are other corneal diseases in addition to cataracts. Among other things, corneal curvature (astigmatism) is measured so that it can be determined whether a toric IOL could be useful for correcting astigmatism.
  • Endothelial mirror microscopy and morphometry
    The endothelial cells on the back of the cornea are photographed and counted. If these are reduced (e.g. in Fuchs endothelial dystrophy), special precautions must be taken (femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery, use of special viscoelastic or gel during surgery). These help to reduce the loss of further endothelial cells during surgery.
  • pupillometry
    How much is the pupil able to dilate or constrict in darkness or due to dilated eye drops when bright and constricted. Special measures must be taken for pupils that are not wide enough for safe cataract surgery.
  • Eye pressure measurement (applanation tonometry)
    Eye pressure is measured.
  • Amsler test
    The function of the retina is subjectively tested by looking at a grid.
  • OCT (optical coherence tomography) (scanning laser ophthalmoscopy)
    Retina and optic nerves are measured in order to document damage before surgery and to be able to make a prognosis for vision after surgery.
  • Fundus copy (detailed examination of fundus periphery)
    By reflecting the retina when the pupil is dilated, retinal tears or detachments can be detected. These must be treated before cataract surgery to prevent retinal detachment.
  • biometrics
    Using ultrasound or a laser beam, the length of the eye and the position of the natural lens are measured. These parameters are necessary to estimate the strength of the IOL used in cataract surgery.
Are the costs of the examination covered by health insurance?

Yes, the majority of measurements are shown in TARMED and must therefore be covered by health insurance. Costs for investigations that are not part of the service catalog will be borne by us, otherwise you will be informed in advance.
Since this is a comprehensive examination with numerous measurements on expensive devices, the costs for the preliminary cataract examination are correspondingly high.
You should expect costs of 500 to 1000 CHF. Especially for patients who have agreed on a higher franchise with their health insurance company, it makes sense to plan a preliminary examination and operation in the same year.

Is it really necessary to have cataract surgery performed with a femtosecond laser?

Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery has certain advantages over traditional manual surgery procedures. Some patients may benefit more than others.

> find out more

Is it really necessary to implant special IOLs?

Basically, cataract surgery is performed to replace a cloudy, natural lens with a clear, artificial IOL so that you can see better again. This can be achieved with artificial lenses of various qualities. In addition to clouding, special lenses also make it possible to correct existing visual defects such as astigmatism and presbyopia. Since cataract surgery is only performed once in a lifetime, it makes sense to use this opportunity to see better after the operation even without glasses.

> find out more

Can I charge for additional health insurance services?

As a rule, additional benefits (special lenses, femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery) are not covered by health insurance. Your private or semi-private supplementary insurance may pay for this. Please clarify this after the preliminary cataract examination and send us the receipts and recovery documents you have received. If your health insurance or supplementary insurance requires more detailed information about the assessment, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Can I deduct the cost of additional services from taxes?

Yes, because there are so-called health costs involved. Please also send the health insurance bills that you have paid yourself. These will then be included in the cost statement for the tax return at the end of the calendar year.

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