2 Minutes


Glasses and contact lenses are covered by health insurance more often than you think

Dr. Valéry Vinzent Wittwer

Die List of materials and objects (MiGeL) is a publication by the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG). It defines which funds and objects are covered by health insurance under basic insurance. This includes glasses and contact lenses, bandages or measuring devices. They are used to treat or investigate a disease or its consequences.

Excerpt from the latest version dated 1.4.2022

Young people up to 18 years of age

Young people are paid a maximum of 180 CHF per year for eyeglass lenses or contact lenses. The requirement is that the prescription for glasses has been issued by an ophthalmologist (MiGEL position

Patients with disease-related visual defects due to:
  • Cataract
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • macular diseases
  • Eye muscle disorders
  • ambylopia
  • Drug side effect
  • after eye surgery

Are 180.- CHF/eye paid every 2 years for eyeglass lenses, contact lenses or protective glasses (MiGEL position

Patients who see more than 20% better with contact lenses than with glasses
  • Myopia > -8 dpt.
  • Farsightedness > +6.0 dpt.
  • anisomtropy =/> 3 dpt.

Are 270.- CHF/eye paid for contact lenses every 2 years
(Migel position

Patients with irregular corneas
  • irregular astigmatism
  • keratoconus
  • corneal disorders or injuries
  • Iris defect
  • after corneal surgery

Are 630.- CHF/eye paid for contact lenses (without time limit)
(Migel position

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